What to tell your child about the Coronovirus-




The links above contain social stories about the pandemic and coronavirus. Take a look at them to see which one is appropriate for your child.

Not only has a child’s life been turned upside down, but now everyone is talking about a serious topic.  It’s a lot for a child to take in. This is surely a teachable moment and a chance to learn new concepts and vocabulary related to science and social studies.  Here are a few big words that may need some explaining: virus, pandemic, population, contagious, cancellation.

Carol Gray developed social stories as a way for children with autism to understand an event, idea, or concept. Although intended for children with autism, any child can benefit from a social story.  A social story includes simple information as well as pictures.  The idea is the story can be read over and over again as needed.  Very often a social story can reduce anxiety while allowing the child to process information.  With a social story, your child may be able to put his/her questions or feelings into words.  This meaningful conversation and teachable moment will lead to better understanding.

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